Home» Research» Innovation Teams» Agricultural Soil» Innovation Team of Saline-alkali Soils Amelioration» Innovation Team of Saline-alkali Soils Amelioration

Innovation Team of Saline-alkali Soils Amelioration

--> Updated: 2022-06-30

Research contents:

Theory and technology of saline-alkali soils amelioration. The innovation teams of saline-alkali soils amelioration focuses on the goals of "improving soil, fertilizing, and expanding storage", and forms a green improvement technology model and series of products for saline-alkali soils inhibition, salt control, and habitat regulation; develops classified and graded saline-alkali soils structure and physicochemical properties conditioning technologies and products, and establishes saline-alkali soil conditioners Green precision application technology system and standard specifications; develops organic fertilizer, green manure, soil conditioner and other multi-fertilizer sources synergistically coupled technologies and products for rapid fertilization and carbon increase in saline-alkali soil, innovates bio-enhancement technologies and products based on microbial-driven rapid fertility enhancement of saline-alkali soils, and builds a technology system for rapid fertilization in saline-alkali soils; studies the biological and abiotic action mechanisms and principles of the expansion and efficiency of soil nutrient storage capacity under saline-alkali stress, establishes a technical system for reducing fertilizer application and increasing efficiency in saline-alkali soils based on the integration of water and fertilizer conditioners, and formulates technical regulations.

Theory and technology of productivity improvement of saline-alkali soils. The innovation team also focuses on the two links of "planting" and "management", and studies the synergistic effects of farming modes and environmental factors, such as water saving and moisture conservation, ridge culture for water collection and moisture accumulation, returning straw decomposing and quantity and crops intercropping farming and environmental elements such as three-dimensional green planting synergy on the influence mechanism of saline-alkali soils and crop production capacity, to create suitable for different natural conditions and the climate characteristic of saline-alkali soils, high-yield cultivation mode; clarifies the mechanism of saline-alkali soils barrier factors in reducing land productivity and its effects on different growth stages of crops and key biological thresholds, develop fast, efficient and intelligent identification and diagnosis technologies and products for saline-alkali soils crop stress, and constructs a dynamic process-based saline-alkali soils “water, fertilizer, gas and hot” precise green multi-objective coupled regulation technology system, forms a production capacity enhancement technology model and series of products for efficient cultivation and comprehensive regulation in saline-alkali soils.

Research objectives:

The innovation team conducts researches on the mechanism of soil-adaptive soil amelioration, such as planting of saline-alkali-tolerant crops, nutrient expansion and efficiency, microbial regulation, and efficient water utilization, as well as the coupling mechanism between technical approaches for saline-alkali soils amelioration, and strives to achieve theoretical and method innovations; breaks through the key scientific and technological issues of "salt and alkali resistant varieties - salt control and alkali control - fertilizer cultivation and expansion - multiple water sources utilization", and strives to form a batch of new technologies, new products and new equipment; based on the national strategic needs of "food security" and "rural revitalization", promotes the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements in the green improvement and production capacity enhancement of saline-alkali soils, and provides scientific and technological support services for the construction of my country's saline-alkali soils granary project.

Research direction:

Focusing on the research field of green amelioration theory and technology of saline-alkali soils, and theory and technology of productivity improvement of saline-alkali soils.

Team members:

Established in 2013, the team has11 members. They are: