发布者:管理员发布时间:2022-11-10作者:来源:点击量: 4046
孙晓,副研究员,生态学博士,硕士生导师。主要采用生态模型、地理信息系统和遥感等技术,开展生态系统服务供-流-需评估、土地利用空间优化、景观可持续规划、城乡融合、生态资产核算等相关研究工作。中国科协“青年人才托举工程” 入选人、北京市科协“青年人才托举工程”入选人、中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所“杰出青年人才”入选人,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所“科技标兵”。担任国际景观生态学会中国分会(IALE-China)理事、中国生态学学会生态系统服务专业委员会委员、中国自然资源学会资源持续利用与减灾专业委员会委员、中国农学会农业信息专业委员会委员、《应用生态学报》青年编委。
2020.1–至今 中国农业科学院农业资源与区划研究所,副研究员
2019.1–2020.1 Arizona State University, USA,访问学者
2018.7–2020.7 中国农业科学院农业资源与区划研究所,助理研究员
2016.9–2017.10 Georgia Institute of Technology, USA,联合培养博士
2012.9–2018.6 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,理学博士学位(直博)
1. Xiao Sun, Hongxiao Liu, Chuan Liao, Huifu Nong, Peng Yang, 2024. Understanding recreational ecosystem service supply-demand mismatch and social groups’ preferences: implications for urban–rural planning. Landscape and Urban Planning , 241,104903.(中科院一区Top)
2. Guangji Fang, Xiao Sun#,*, Peng Yang, Yu Tao, Qinghua Liu, Huajun Tang, 2024. Advancing the Optimization of Urban-Rural Ecosystem Service Supply-Demand Mismatches and Trade-offs. Landscape Ecology , 39, 32.(中科院一区)
3. Dingding Duan, Xiao Sun*, Chenrui Wang, Yan Zha, Qiangyi Yu, Peng Yang, 2024. Remote sensing approach applied to estimate cropland sustainability in Lateritic red soil region of China. Remote Sensing , 16, 1069. (中科院二区)
4. Xiao Sun, Qun Ma, Guangji Fang, 2023. Spatial scaling of land use/land cover and ecosystem services across urban hierarchical levels: Patterns and relationships. Landscape Ecology, 38, 753-777.(中科院一区)
5. Guangji Fang, Xiao Sun*, Yi Xiao, Baolong Han, Peng Yang, Qinghua Liu, 2023. How do ecosystem services evolve across urban-rural transitional landscapes in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China: Patterns, trade-offs, and drivers. Landscape Ecology. 38, 1125-1145.(中科院一区)
6. Xiao Sun, Jianguo Wu, Huajun Tang, Peng Yang, 2022. An urban hierarchy-based approach integrating ecosystem services into multiscale sustainable land use planning: The case of China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling , 178, 106097.(中科院一区Top)
7. Xiao Sun, Peng Yang, Yu Tao, Hongyan Bian, 2022. Improving ecosystem services supply provides insights for sustainable landscape planning: A case study in Beijing, China. Science of the Total Environment , 802, 149849.(中科院一区Top)
8. Qinghua Liu, Xiao Sun*, Wenbin Wu, Zhenhuan Liu, Guangji Fang, Peng Yang*, 2022. Agroecosystem services: A review of concepts, indicators, assessment methods and future research perspectives. Ecological Indicators , 142, 109218.(中科院二区)
9. Dingding Duan#, Xiao Sun#, Shefang Liang, Jing Sun, Lingling Fan, Hao Chen, Lang Xia, Fen Zhao, Wanqing Yang, Peng Yang, 2022. Spatiotemporal patterns of cultivated land quality integrated with Multi - Source remote sensing: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China. Remote Sensing , 14: 1250.(中科院二区)
10. Lingling Fan, Jing Yang, Xiao Sun*, Fen Zhao, Shefang Liang, Dingding Duan, Hao Chen, Lang Xia, Jing Sun*, Peng Yang*, 2022. The effects of Landsat image acquisition date on winter wheat classification in the North China Plain. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing , 187: 1–13.(中科院一区Top)
11. Lang Xia, Fen Zhao, Jin Chen, Le Yu, Miao Lu, Qiangyi Yu, Shefang Liang, Lingling Fan, Xiao Sun*, Shangrong Wu*, Wenbin Wu, Peng Yang*, 2022. A full resolution deep learning network for paddy rice mapping using Landsat data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing .(中科院一区Top)
12. Xiao Sun, Huajun Tang, Peng Yang, Guang Hu, Zhenhuan Liu, Jianguo Wu, 2020. Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of ecosystem service supply and demand across the conterminous United States: A multiscale analysis. Science of the Total Environment , 703, 135005.(中科院一区Top)
13. Xiao Sun, Feng Li, John C. Crittenden, Xiaolin Dou, 2018. Urban expansion simulation and the spatio-temporal changes of ecosystem services, a case study in Atlanta Metropolitan area, USA. Science of the Total Environment , 622–623, 974–987.(中科院一区Top,ESI高被引论文)
14. Xiao Sun, Zhongming Lu, Feng Li, John C. Crittenden, 2018. Analyzing spatio-temporal changes and trade-offs to support the supply of multiple ecosystem services in Beijing, China. Ecological Indicators , 94, 117–129.(中科院二区)
15. Xiao Sun, Xusheng Liu, Feng Li, Yu Tao, Yingshi Song, 2017. Comprehensive evaluation of different scale cities' sustainable development for economy, society, and ecological infrastructure in China. Journal of Cleaner Production , 163, S329–S337.(中科院一区Top)
16. Xiao Sun, Feng Li, 2017. Spatiotemporal assessment and trade-offs of multiple ecosystem services based on land use changes in Zengcheng, China. Science of the Total Environment , 609, 1569–1581.(中科院一区Top)
17. 杨婉清, 王晨睿, 孙晓*, 杨鹏, 王妍. 农业区生态系统服务影响因素及空间优化分析—以北京市为例. 中国农业资源与区划, 2024, 45(1): 116-128.
18. 杨婉清, 杨鹏, 孙晓*, 韩宝龙. 北京市景观格局演变及其对多种生态系统服务的影响分析. 生态学报 , 2022, 6: 1–14.
19. 孙晓, 杨鹏, 王虹杨. 农业绿色发展研究文献计量分析. 中国农业资源与区划 , 2021. 42(2), 1–9.
20. 孙晓, 李锋. 城市生态资产评估方法与应用—以广州市增城区为例. 生态学报 , 2017, 37(18): 6216–6228.
21. 孙晓, 刘旭升, 李锋, 陶宇. 中国不同规模城市可持续发展综合评价. 生态学报 , 2016, 36(17): 5590–5600.(《生态学报》2010-2019年最具影响力学术论文)
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