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  陈世宝,男,博士(理),研究员,博士生导师。1998年硕士毕业于中国农业科学院(土壤学),2005年博士毕业于中国科学院生态环境研究中心(环境科学);2005-2006应邀去澳大利亚(CSIRO Land and Water)任访问科学家。目前任中国环境科学学会理事,重金属污染防治专委会委员,污染生态专委会委员,中国物资再生协会土壤修复专委会委员,深圳生态环境局环境应急专家组成员。《农业环境科学学报》、《应用基础与工程科学学报》编委等。主要从事土壤重金属污染防治及农产品安全生产研究,包括土壤重金属污染控制技术、污染土壤修复与退化土壤改良、土壤环境基准研究等。目前任研究所环境科学学科带头人及学科培养点点长。2012-2014连续获得“中国农科院优秀研究生导师”称号;主讲中国农科院研究生学位课《环境化学》、《农产品安全生产技术与应用》并获“教学名师”称号。主持完成项目包括国家重点研发计划、“863”、国家自然基金、留学回国基金等多项。发表论文130余篇,其中第一/通讯作者发表SCI 35篇、EI 23篇(2篇入选F5000),主编著作1部,参编5部,发明专利9项。获广东省自然科学一等奖、中国科学院院长优秀奖、农业部科技进步奖等多项。


  1、土壤重金属污染过程与调控机制; 2、污染土壤修复与退化土壤生态修复技术; 3、土壤环境基准。









  8.国家支撑计划项目子课题(2015BAD05B03):“镉、铅超标农田农艺调控关键技术研究”,(2015-2019); 【主持完成】






  14.农业部行业专项子课题(200803034):“设施菜地重金属污染土壤的原位修复技术研究”,(2008-2010); 【主持完成】






  Shanshan Li, Xiaoqin Lei, Luyao Qin, Xiaoyi Sun, Lifu Wang, Shuwen Zhao, Meng Wang*, Shibao Chen*. Fe (III) reduction due to low pe+pH contributes to reducing Cd transfer within a soil-rice system, Journal of Hazardous Materials , 415, (2021)125668.

  Meng Wang, Lifu Wang, Shuwen Zhao, Shanshan Li, Xiaoqin Lei, Luyao Qin, Xiaoyi Sun, Shibao Chen*. Manganese facilitates cadmium stabilization through physicochemical dynamics and amino acid accumulation in rice rhizosphere under flood-associated low pe+pH, Journal of Hazardous Materials , 416 (2021)126079.

  Meng Wang, Wen qiao Yuan, Shibao Chen*, Lifu Wang, Shuwen Zhao, Shanshan Li. Algal Lysis by Sagittula stellata for the Production of Intracellular Valuables, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology , https://doi.org/10.1007/s12010-021-03502-2.

  Shanshan Li, Shibao Chen*, Meng Wang, Xiaoqin Lei, Han Zheng, Xiaoyi Sun, Lifu Wang, Yun Han. Redistribution of iron oxides in aggregates induced by pe+pH variation alters Cd availability in paddy soils. Science of the Total Environment , 752, (2021) 142164.  

  Meng Wang, Shuwen Zhao, Lifu Wang, Shibao Chen*, Shanshan Li, Xiaoqin Lei, Xiaoyi Sun, Luyao Qin. Salt stress-induced changes in microbial community structures and metabolic processes result in increased soil cadmium availability. Science of the Total Environment , 782 (2021) 147125.

  Meng Wang, Lifu Wang, Huading Shi,*, Yongbing Liu, Shibao Chen*. Soil bacteria, genes, and metabolites stimulated during sulfur cycling and cadmium mobilization under sodium sulfate stress, Environmental Research , 201(2021)111599.

  Meng Wang, Shibao Chen*, Han Zheng, Shanshan Li, Li Chen, Duo Wang. The responses of cadmium phytotoxicity in rice and the microbial community in contaminated paddy soils for the application of different long-term N fertilizers. Chemosphere , 238 (2020) 124700.

  Shanshan Li, Shibao Chen*, Meng Wang*, Xiaoqin Lei, Han Zheng, Xiaoyi Sun, Lifu Wang, Yun Han. Iron fractions responsible for the variation of Cd bioavailability in paddy soil under variable pe+pH conditions, Chemosphere , 2020, 251:126355.

  Meng Wang, Shibao Chen*, Li Chen, Duo Wang. Microbial mechanisms responsible for the variation of soil Cd availability under different pe+pH environments. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety , 206, (2020) 111057.

  Meng Wang, Shibao Chen*. 2019. The responses of a soil bacterial community under saline stress are associated with Cd availability in long-term wastewater-irrigated field soil. Chemosphere , 236, 124372.

  M Wang, Shibao Chen*, Y Han, L Chen, D Wang. 2019. Responses of soil aggregates and bacterial communities to soil-Pb immobilization induced by biofertilizer. Chemosphere, 220, 828-836.

  Meng Wang, Shibao Chen*. 2019. Foliar spraying of melatonin confers cadmium tolerance in Nicotiana tabacum L. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety ,170: 68-76.

  M Wang, Shibao Chen*. 2019. Saline stress modifies the effect of cadmium toxicity on soil archaeal communities. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 182, 109431.

  M Wang, Shibao Chen*. 2019. Alleviation of cadmium toxicity to tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) by biofertilizers involves the changes of soil aggregates and bacterial communities . Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 169: 240-247.

  Meng Wang, Shibao Chen*, Li Chen, Duo Wang. 2019. Responses of soil microbial communities and their network interactions to saline-alkaline stress in Cd-contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution , 252, 1609-1621.

  Shanshan Li, Meng Wang, Shibao Chen*. Use of soil amendments to reduce cadmium accumulation in rice by changing Cd distribution in soil aggregates. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-05431-4   

  Meng Wang, Shanshan Li, Shibao Chen*, Nan Meng, Xiaoyue Li, Han Zheng, Chunmei Zhao, DuoWang. Manipulation of the rhizosphere bacterial community by biofertilizers is associated with mitigation of cadmium phytotoxicity. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 649, 413-421.

  Han Zheng, Meng Wang, Shibao Chen*, Shanshan Li, Xiaoqin Lei. 2019. Sulfur application modifies cadmium availability and transfer in the soil-rice system under unstable pe+pH conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety , 184, 109641.

  Meng Wang, He Cheng, Shibao Chen, et al. Microalgal cell disruption via extrusion for the production of intracellular valuables. Energy, 2018, 142: 339-345.

  Shanshan Li, Meng Wang*, Shibao Chen*. Alleviation of cadmium phytotoxicity to wheat is associated with Cd re-distribution in soil aggregates as affected by amendments. RSC Adv ., 2018, 8, 17426-17434.

  Shanshan Li, Meng Wang*, Shibao Chen *. Adsorption and desorption of Cd by soil amendment: mechanisms and environmental implications in field-soil remediation, Sustainability 2018, 10( 2337):1-14. doi:10.3390/su10072337.

  Xi Zhang, Saiqi Zeng, Shibao Chen, Yibing Ma. Change of the extractability of cadmium added to different soils: aging effect and modeling, Sustainability 2018, 10, 885; doi:10.3390/su10030885.

  Chen Shibao, Wang Meng Li Shanshan, Zhao Zhongqiu, E Wendi. Overview on current criteria for heavy metals and its hint for the revision of soil environmental quality standards in China, J Integr Agri . 2018, 17(4): 765-774.

  Zheng Han, Chen Shibao*. Predicting Pb toxicity to soil microbes as determined by substrated induced nitrification in Chinese field soils: Influence of soil properties, J Integr Agr, 2017, 16(8): 1832-1840.

  Liu B, Shibao Chen*. Subcellular Cd accumulation characteristic in root cell wall of rice cultivars with different sensitivities to Cd stress in soil. Journal of Integrative Agriculture , 2016, 15(9): 2114-2122.

  Song WE, Shibao Chen*, Variation of Cd concentration in various rice cultivars and derivation of cadmium toxicity thresholds for paddy soil by species-sensitivity distribution. J Integr. Agr , 2015, 14(9): 1845-1854.

  Wang M, Shibao Chen*. Alleviation of cadmium-induced root growth inhibition in crop seedlings by nanoparticles, Ecotox Environ Safe, 2012,79:48-54.

  Shibao Chen, Yibing Ma, Li Chen, Liqun Wang, Haitao Guo, Comparison of Pb (II) immobilized by bone char meal and phosphate rock: characterization and kinetic study, Arch Environ Contam Toxicol, 2010,58(1):24-32. IF="2.400.

  Shibao Chen, Ma YB. Retention of aqueous Cd, Pb, Cu ions by nano-hydroxyapatite: single- and multi-metal competitive adsorption study, Geochemical Journal, 2010, 44 (3):233-239. 

  Chen Shibao, Ma YB, Lombi E, McLaughlin M, Application of 65Cu dilution techniques for assessing L and E-values for Cu in long-term biosolid applied soils, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2011, 69(4):459-465.

  Chen Shibao, Ma YB*, Huang YZ, Can phosphate compounds be used to reduce the plant uptake of Pb and resist the Pb stress in Pb-contaminated soils? Journal of Environment Sciences , 2009, 21:360-365.

  Shibao Chen, Minggang Xu, Yibing Ma*, Yang JC. Evaluation of phosphate application on Pb, Cd and Zn bioavailability in metal-contaminated soil, Environmental Ecotoxicity & Safety , 2007, 67:278-285.

  Shibao Chen, Yongguan Zhu *, Yibing Ma, McKay G. Effect of bone char application on Pb Bioavailability in a Pb-contaminated soil, Environmental Pollution , 2006,139(3),433-439.

  Shibao Chen, Yongguan Zhu*, Yibing Ma. The effect of granular size of rock phosphate amendment on metals immobilization in contaminated soil, Journal of Hazardous Materials 2006,134:74-79.

  Shibao Chen, Yongguan Zhu, Hu QH. Soil to plant transfer of U, Ra and Th on uranium mine slag contaminated soils from southeast China, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity , 2005, 82,223-236.

  Yongguan Zhu, Shibao Chen. Effects of soil amendments on lead uptake by two vegetable crops from lead-contaminated soils. Environmental International , 2004, 351-356.

  Yang JX, Wang LQ, Li JM, Chen Shibao. Effects of rape straw and red mud on extractability and bioavailability of cadmium in a calcareous soil. Front Env Sci Eng, 2015, 9(3): 419-428.

  Li B; Liu JF; Yang JX, Ma YB, Chen Shibao. Comparison of phytotoxicity of copper and nickel in soils with different Chinese plant species, J Integr Agr , 2015, 14(6):1192-1201.

  Li, B; Yang, JX; Wei, DP, Chen Shibao. Field evidence of cadmium phytoavailability decreased effectively by rape straw and/or red mud with zinc sulphate in a Cd-contaminated calcareous soil. Plos One , 2014, 9(10): e109967.

  Liang, ZF, Ding, Q, Wei, DP, Li JM, Chen Shibao. Major controlling factors and predictions for cadmium transfer from the soil into spinach plants. Ecotox Environ Safe , 2013, 93:180-185. 

  Yang, JX, Wang, LQ; Wei, DP; Chen Shibao. Foliar spraying and seed soaking of zinc fertilizers decreased cadmium accumulation in cucumbers grown in Cd-contaminated soils. Soil Sediment Contam , 2011, 20(4): 400-410.

  Guo, XY, Ma, YB*, Wang, XD, Chen Shibao. Re-evaluating the effects of organic ligands on copper toxicity to barley root elongation in culture solution. Chem Spec Bioavailab , 2010, 22(1):51-59.

  Zhou, SW, Xu, MG, Ma, YB*, Chen Shibao. Aging mechanism of copper added to bentonite. Geoderma , 2008, 147(1):86-92.

  Tang, XY, Zhu, YG*, Chen Shibao. Assessment of the effectiveness of different phosphorus fertilizers to remediate Pb-contaminated soil using in vitro test. Environment International , 2004, 30(4):531-537.

  Zheng Han, Duan Shuhui, Chen Shibao*. Remediation effect of Cd polluted paddy soil evaluated by grain Cd reduction rate and marginal efficiency. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering , 2018, 34(1): 217-223.

  Wang M, Shibao Chen*, Removal of Cd, Pb and Cu from water using functionalized Fe2O3 nanoparticles, Adv Mater Res , 2012, 523:1956-1963.

  Chen Shibao, Zrna S, Lombi E, Heemsbergen D, McLaughlin M, Warne M, Ma YB, Earthworms and biosolids: to avoid or not to avoid? ASSSI , 2006.

  Song W, Chen Shibao*, Utilization of nano-amendments to reduce plant uptake of Zn and alleviate of the Zn stress of Brassica campestris in polluted soil, DEStech publications , 2013, ISBN: 978-1-60595-133-1.  (EI)



