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发布者:管理员发布时间:2022-04-02作者:Admin来源:点击量: 7523

孙晶, 天津市人, 博士, 现为中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所研究员、博士生导师。长期利用遥感和数理模型等多学科、多技术方法,开展人地耦合、远程耦合系统的综合研究, 尤其在农业生产与贸易中的环境动态诊断、亚马逊雨林森林砍伐监测、黄土高原地区水土保持等方面取得了重要研究成果。先后主持/参与了中国国家自然科学基金项目2项、美国国家自然科学基金项目3项、美国国家航空航天局基金项目1项。以第一作者在PNAS等国内外学术期刊发表论文20余篇、会议论文8篇、译著1部、合作英文专著2部,《Journal of Land Use Science》、《中国农业资源与区划》编委。




2008/08-2013/07, 佛罗里达大学地理系, 自然地理专业, 博士, 导师: Jane Southworth

2005/08-2008/07, 西北大学城市与环境学院, 人文地理专业, 硕士, 导师: 杨新军

2001/08-2005/07, 西北大学城市与环境学院, 地理信息系统专业, 学士


2018/8-, 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所, 研究员

2013/8-2018/5, 密歇根州立大学系统综合与可持续性研究中心, 博士后,合作导师:Jianguo ‘Jack’ Liu (刘建国)

2012/8-2013/4, 佛罗里达大学地理系, 研究助理

2009/8-2011/4, 佛罗里达大学地理系, 教学助理



1. Liling Fan, Jing Yang, Xiao Sun, Fen Zhao, Shefang Liang, Dingding Duan, Hao Chen, Lang Xia, Jing Sun*, Peng Yang. 2022. The effects of Landsat image acquisition date on winter wheat classification in the North China Plain. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 187, 1-13.

2. 刘航, 申格, 杨婧, 吴文斌, 孙晶*, 2021. 中国大豆进口关税调整对全球水土资源转移的影响评估,自然资源学报,36(6),1535-1544.

3. Shengli Liu, Wenbin Wu, Xiaoguang Yang, Peng Yang, Jing Sun*. 2020. Exploring drought dynamics and its impacts on maize yield in the Huang-Huai-Hai farming region of China. Climatic Change. 163(1), 415-430.

4. Lingling Fan, Shi Chen, Shefang Liang, Xiao Sun, Hao Chen, Liangzhi You, Wenbin Wu, Jing Sun*, Peng Yang. 2020. Assessing long-term spatial movement of wheat area across China, Agricultural Systems.185: 102933.

5. 孙晶, 刘建国, 杨新军, 等,2020. 人类世可持续发展背景下的远程耦合框架及其应用,地理学报,75(11), 2408-2416.

6. Fuqiang Zhao, Yue Ma, Fengming Xi, Jing Sun*. 2020. Evaluating the sustainability of mine rehabilitation programs in China, Restoration Ecology. 28(5), 1061-1066.

7. Jing Sun, Lun Yang, Fuqiang Zhao, Wenbin Wu. 2020. Domestic dynamics of crop production in response to international food trade: Evidence from soybean imports in China, Journal of Land Use Science. 15(1), 91-98.

8. Jianlian Shi, Jing Sun*. 2020. Meta-understanding of Environmental Perception in Tourism: Implications for China’s Tourist Attractions, Sustainability. 12(4), 1658.

9. Chi Zhang, Hong Zhang, Fuqiang Zhao, Jing Sun*. 2019. Understanding thermal impact of roads on permafrost using normalized spectral entropy. Sustainability. 11(24), 7177.

10. Jing Sun, Jinping Mei, Hu Li, Jinlian Shi. 2019. Reschedule your travel plans: human health and air pollution. Journal of Travel Research. 58(8), 1408-1410.

11. Jing Sun, H. Mooney, W. Wu, H. Tang, Y. Tong, Z. Xu, B. Huang, Y. Cheng, X. Yang, D. Wei, F. Zhang & J. Liu. 2018. Importing food damages domestic environment: Evidence from global soybean trade. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(21), 5415-5419.

12. Jing Sun, Tong, Y., Liu, J., 2017. Telecoupled land-use changes in distant countries. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16(2), 368-376.

13. Jing Sun, Wenbin Wu, Huajun Tang, Jianguo Liu, 2015. Spatiotemporal patterns of non-genetically modified crops in the era of expansion of genetically modified food. Scientific Reports, 5: 14180.

14. Jing Sun, Southworth, J. and Qiu, Y., 2015. Mapping multi-scale impacts of deforestation in the Amazonian rainforest from 1986 to 2010. Journal of Land Use Science, 10(2), 174-190.

15. Jing Sun, Huang, Z., Zhen, Q., Southworth, J. and Perz, S., 2014. Fractally deforested landscape: Pattern and process in a tri-national Amazon frontier. Applied Geography, 52, 204-211.

16. Jing Sun, 2014. Exploring edge complexity in remote-sensing vegetation index imageries. Journal of Land Use Science, 9(2), 165-177.

17. Jing Sun, Southworth, J., 2013. Indicating structural connectivity in Amazonian rainforests from 1986 to 2010 using morphological image processing analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(14), 5187-5200.

18. Jing Sun, Huang, Z., Southworth, J. and Qiu, Y., 2013. Mapping fractality during the process of deforestation in an Amazon tri-national frontier. Remote Sensing Letters, 4(6), 589-598.

19. Jing Sun and Southworth, J., 2013. Retrospective analysis of landscape dynamics using normalized spectral entropy. Remote Sensing Letters, 4(11), 1049-1056.

20. Jing Sun, Southworth, J., 2013. Remote sensing-based fractal analysis and scale dependence associated with forest fragmentation in an Amazon tri‑national frontier. Remote Sensing, 5(2), 454-472.

21. 孙晶, 王俊, 杨新军. 2007. 社会-生态系统恢复力研究综述. 生态学报, 27, 5371–5381.


1. Yang, L., Jing Sun, Liu, M., Min, Q., 2021, Agricultural production under rural tourism on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: From the perspective of smallholder farmers. Land Use Policy, 103: 105329.

2. Liang S, Wu W, Jing Sun, Li Z., Sun X., Chen H., Chen S., Fan L., You L., Yang P., 2021, Climate-mediated dynamics of the northern limit of paddy rice in China. Environmental Research Letters, 16(6): 064008.

3. Chen, S., Fan, L., Liang, S., Chen, H., Sun, X., Hu, Y., Liu Z., Jing Sun, Yang, P. 2020. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Northern Limit of Winter Wheat in China Using MODIS Time Series Images. Remote Sensing, 12(15), 2382.

4. Yao Y., Jing Sun, Y Tian, Zheng C., Liu J., 2020. Alleviating Water Scarcity and Poverty in Drylands through Telecouplings: Vegetable Trade and Tourism in Northwest China, Science of the Total Environment, 741: 140387.

5. Liu, J., Hull, V., Godfray, C., Tilman, D., Gleick, P., Hoff, H., Pahl-Wostl, C., Xu, Z., Chung, M., Jing Sun, Li S. 2018. Nexus approaches to global sustainable development. Nature Sustainability, 1, 466-476

6. Qi, L., Zhao, F., Jing Sun. 2018. An integrated multi-scale approach to restoring a degraded forest ecosystem: a case study in the Changbai Mountains, northeastern China. Ecological Modelling, 125, 98-105.

7. Liu, J. Dou, Y. Batistella, M. Challies, E. Connor, T. Friis, C. Millington, J. Parish, E. Romulo, C. Silva, R. Triezenberg, H. Yang, H. Zhao, Z. Zimmerer, K. Huettmann, F. Treglia, M. Basher, Z. Chung, M. Herzberger, A. Lenschow, A. Mechiche-Alami, A. Newig, J. Roche, J, Jing Sun. 2018. Spillover systems in a telecoupled Anthropocene: Typology, methods, and governance for global sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 33: 58-69.

8. Tong, Y., Liu, J., Dou, Z., Li, X., Jing Sun, Herzberger, A., Wei, D., Zhang, W., Zhang, F., 2017. Cropping system conversion led to organic carbon change in China’s Mollisols. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 18064.

9. Perz, S.G., Qiu, Y., Xia, Y., Southworth, J., Jing Sun, Marsik, M., Rocha, K., Passos, V., Rojas, D., Alarcón, G. and Barnes, G., 2013. Trans-boundary infrastructure and land cover change: Highway paving and community-level deforestation in a tri-national frontier in the Amazon. Land Use Policy, 34, 27-41.

10. 樊相宁, 孙晶, 杨新军. 2014. 基于多尺度窗口分析的西安城市化空间格局及其特征. 地域研究与开发, 33, 73-78.

11. 王俊, 孙晶, 杨新军, 刘文召, Zacarrelli, N., 张向龙, 汪兴玉. 2009. 基于NDVI的社会生态系统多尺度干扰分析: 以甘肃省榆中县为例. 生态学报, 29, 1621-1627.

12. 张向龙, 王俊, 杨新军, 孙晶. 2008. 情景分析及其在生态系统研究中的应用. 生态学杂志, 27, 1763-1770.

13. 汪兴玉, 王俊, 白红英, 刘文召, 孙晶. 2008. 基于农户尺度的社会—生态系统对干旱的恢复力研究: 以甘肃省榆中县为例. 水土保持通报, 28, 14-18.


1. Jing Sun. 2017. Habitat destruction and fragmentation, in The International Encyclopaedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 美国·新泽西.

2. Perz, S., Southworth, J., Barnes, G., Qiu, Y., Xia, Y., Jing Sun, Rocha, K. 2014. Political ecology and land change science in the study of infrastructure impacts: The case of the Southwestern Amazon, in Land Change Science, Political Ecology, and Sustainability: Synergies and divergences. Routledge, 英国·伦敦.


1. 2020年, 可持续科学创新奖, 美国生态学会。

2. 2019年, 中国科技期刊农林学科年度优秀论文三等奖, 中国农学会颁发。

3. 2017年, NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award, 美国国家航空航天局与密歇根州立大学。

4. 2008-2012年, Alumni Fellowship Award, 美国佛罗里达大学。

5. 2007年, 优秀青年论文奖, 中国地理学会。
