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1976年11月7日生,安徽寿县人,微生物学专业博士,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所副研究员,硕士生导师,长江大学生命科学学院兼职研究生导师。中国农业科学院“青年英才计划D类”人选,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所优秀青年人才(一级),山东省重点扶持区域引进急需紧缺人才。曾在中国科学院微生物研究所,香港科技大学 (HKUST) 海洋微生物实验室,美国德克萨斯农工大学 (TAMU)微生物代谢工程实验室和沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学 (KAUST) 红海研究中心等科研机构从事微生物菌种资源及其代谢特性研究。科研方向专注于动植物益生菌菌种资源收集保藏、功效评价及其与宿主互作机制研究,发表论文 60 余篇,其中 SCI 论文50 余篇,已授权发明专利9项,在审发明专利7项。

E-mail: zhangguishan@caas.cn; Tel: 13910596870

1. 教育经历

2006/09- 2010/01,中国科学院微生物研究所,微生物学,博士,导师:东秀珠研究员

2001/09 - 2004/06,浙江大学生命科学学院,微生物学,硕士,导师:贾小明副教授

1995/09 - 1999/07,安徽农业技术师范学院动物科学系,食品与营养教育专业,学士

2. 工作经历

2014/11 - 至今,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所

2012/01 - 2014/10,沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST),红海研究中心,博士后

2011/06 - 2011/11,美国德克萨斯农工大学(TAMU),化工系生物膜与微生物代谢工程实验室,博士后

2010/10- 2011/05,香港科技大学 (HKUST) 生物系海洋微生物实验室,博士后

2004/7 - 2006/9,上海海洋大学食品学院,微生物学、食品营养与卫生学、现代仪器分析和生化大实验课程教师,助教-讲师

1999/9 - 2001/7,安徽寿县第一职业高级中学,化学-数学教师

3. 主持及参加的科研项目


与产能协同提升关键技术及模式研究(微生物驱动的土壤碳固定技术及应用模式研发子课题)。73.5 万,2022年04月20日-2027年04月31日,在研,子课题主持。

2、中国农业科学院创新工程联合攻关重大科研任务畜禽水产微生物种质创新与应用,CAAS20220835,120 万,2022.11-2027.11. 在研,骨干参加。

3、中非合作项目(埃塞俄比亚),KY202002003,水肥效应与玉米抗旱能力提升技术研发,KY202002003-1,47.0 万元,2019.7-2024.06. 在研,骨干参加。

4. 中国农业科学院科技创新工程重大科研任务,CAAS20200083,盐碱地产能提升关键技术与集成示范,盐碱地肥力快速提升的生物强化技术,2020.4-2024.06. 在研,骨干参加。

5、国家自然科学基金面上项目,31670113,细菌种间群感信号AI-2调控根际促生解淀粉芽孢杆菌SQR9成膜和运动性的分子机理研究,71.6 万元,2017-01-01-2021-05-31,主持,已结题。

6、国家重点研发计划,2017YFD0201401,天然绿色生物农药的合成生物学与组合合成技术中微生物源活性代谢物的筛选及先导生物农药化合物的发现子课题,38.0 万元,2017-01-01-2021-07-31,主持,已结题。

7. 企业合作项目,2022KF014,协助植物抗冻耐寒生物肥料研发,100.0 万元,2022-01-01-2026-12-31,在研,主持。

8、企业合作项目,2021KF090,植物乳杆菌生产有机硒及其发酵工艺研究,50.0 万元,2021-09-11-2023-09-11,主持,已结题。

9、企业合作项目,2020KF070,复混(合)肥用生物菌剂配方及其发酵工艺研究,20.0 万元,2020-06-18-2022-06-18,主持,已结题。

10、企业合作项目,5226,新型复合微生物肥料及饲料菌种资源分离纯化鉴定和功能研究技术服务项目,20.0 万元,2017-09-05-2019-09-04,主持,已结题。

11、企业合作项目,2020KF062,反刍动物粗料和精补料用生物菌剂配方及其发酵工艺研究,20.0 万元,2020-06-18-2022-06-17,主持,已结题。


13、中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所优青培育计划(创新工程资助),侧重研究根瘤菌中高丝氨酸内酯 AHLs 群体信号分子鉴定及其功能解析,90 万元,2017.1-2019.12. 主持,已结题。

14、国家自然科学基金面上项目,31572214,两组分系统ResD/E调控根际促生菌解淀粉芽孢杆菌SQR9根际定殖的分子机理研究,75.8万,2016.1-2019.12. 已结题,参加。

4. 发明专利

张晓霞; 赵娟娟; 赵霞; 张桂山; 马晓彤; 郭鹤宝。一株水稻内生促生根瘤菌及其用途,专利号:ZL 201810390383.6。

张桂山; 苗少华; 王华付; 易可可; 胡四化; 龚旗。一种提高印度梨形孢产孢的方法。专利号:ZL 202110253909.8。

骆世洪; 张桂山; 王安琪; 华娟。羟基酮类化合物或含有羟基酮类化合物的制剂在促进植物根生长中的应用。专利号:ZL 2019108186942.8。

张桂山; 孙颖娇; 辛飞; 龚旗。一种畜禽粪便发酵的复配菌剂及其发酵方法。专利号:ZL 2022 1 0421794.3。

张桂山; 孙颖娇; 辛飞; 龚旗。一种复合微生物除臭菌剂及其制备方法和应用。专利号:ZL 202210317690.8。

张桂山; 龚旗; 张晓霞; 汪博。 栖稻根瘤菌在提高植物耐盐性中的应用。专利号: ZL 2022 1 0577794.2。

张桂山; 刘永立; 常艺海; 李高强。一种乳酸菌GS-3及其在富硒中的应用。专利号:ZL 2022 1 0411911.8。

张桂山; 龚旗; 汪博; 张晓霞; 马春红; 易可可; 赵璞; 李玉义。一株巨兽普里斯特氏菌及其应用。专利号:ZL 2023 1 0701097.8。

张桂山; 龚旗; 汪博; 张晓霞; 马春红; 易可可; 赵璞; 李玉义。一株贝莱斯芽孢杆菌及其应用。专利号:ZL 2023 1 0708214.3。

张桂山; 孙颖娇; 辛飞; 龚旗。一种用于生产液态生物有机肥的复合菌剂及其制备方法。专利号:CN202210366163.6。

张桂山; 徐格; 吴洁; 刘涵虚。一种阿克曼氏分离培养基以及从粪便样品中分离阿克曼氏菌的方法。专利申请号:CN116555036A。

任建; 张桂山; 曹亭。一种采用油樟叶-酒糟废水生产富硒生物肥料的发酵方法。专利申请号:CN202310778070.9。

任建; 张桂山; 曹亭。一种采用油樟叶-酒糟生产酵母培养物的发酵方法。专利申请号:CN202310778106.3。

张桂山; 徐格; 吴洁。一种具有促生抗病的微生态饲料添加剂的制备方法及应用。专利申请号:CN202402868106.9。

张桂山; 徐格; 吴洁。一种猪全价饲料菌酶酵制剂和生物发酵料的制备方法。专利申请号:CN202402838106.8。

张桂山; 徐格; 吴洁。一种提高饲料转化利用率的复合菌酶组合、复合菌酶酵制剂及其制备方法。专利申请号:CN202402818106.6。

5. 发表论文


Juanjuan Zhao1, Junjie Yang2, Xiaoxia Zhang1*, Guishan Zhang1*, Sheng Yang2*. CRISPR-Cas9 assisted genome editing of Rhizobium oryzihabitans through non-homologous end joining. Submitted to  Applied and Environmental Microbiology .

蒋建兰; 陈玉; 单潇潇; 孙露; 乔建军; 张桂山*. 特基拉芽孢杆菌WRN032对稻瘟病菌的生物防治潜力.  天津大学学报:自然科学与工程技术版  .  56(9): 935-941.

张桂山; 苗少华; 付长征; 张沛. 植物内生真菌印度梨形孢协助黄瓜促生和抗盐机理初探.  今日农业 (探索实践版)B49.


常艺海; 王文龙; 牛俊轲; 李高强; 张桂山; 刘永立. 一株产抗菌肽芽孢杆菌的筛选、鉴定及其发酵条件优化研究. 饲料研究 . 23: 65-69.

常艺海; 牛俊轲; 秦立群; 张桂山; 王文龙; 段丹霞; 刘永立. 富硒益生菌在动物养殖中的应用研究进展. 饲料研究 . 23:154-157.

Qi Gong; Pu Zhao; Shaohua Miao; Keke Yi; Chunhong Ma; Guishan Zhang*.  Halorubrum salipaludis sp. nov., isolated from the saline–alkaline soil.  Archives of Microbiology , 2022, 204(1).

Ran Zhang; Jiayan Wang; Zhe Zhao; Maripat Xamxidin; Guishan Zhang; Lin Xu; Min Wu. Description of two novel anaerobic members in the family Clostridiaceae,  Anaeromonas gelatinilytica  gen.nov., sp. nov., and  Anaeromonas frigoriresistens  sp. nov., isolated from saline lake sediment.  International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology ., 2022,72(5):5377-5386.


Zhao, Juanjuan; Ai, Guomin; Yang, Sheng; Zhang, Xiaoxia*; Zhang, Guishan*. Detection, Structural Elucidation, and Biological Effects of Diverse N-Acyl-homoserine Lactone Signaling Molecules in the Plant-Promoting Endophytic Bacterium  Rhizobium oryzihabitans  M15.  J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2021, 69(33): 9693-9705.

Limin Xue; Liu Tang; Juanjuan Zhao; Zhenjuan Fang; Hanxu Liu; Jianjun Qiao; Guishan Zhang*.  Bacillus salipaludis sp. nov., isolated from saline-alkaline soil.  Archives of Microbiology , 2021, 203(5): 2211-2217.

Liu, Hanxu; Tang, Liu; Zhao, Juanjuan; Miao, Shaohua; Gong, Qi; Ma, Lian*; Zhang, Guishan*.  Halomonas humidisoli  sp. Nov., Isolated From Saline-Alkaline Soil.  Current Microbiology , 2021, 78(2): 803-809.

Juyuan Xing; Qi Gong; Liu Tang; Jiao Li; Hua Fan; Xiaowei Wang; Hongxia Liu; Guishan Zhang*.  Halomonas salipaludis  sp. nov., isolated from the saline-alkali wetland soil.  Archives of Microbiology,  2021, 203(10): 6033-6039.

Di Liu; Qin Xiong; Juanjuan Zhao; Zhenjuan Fang; Guishan Zhang*.  Pontibacter flavimaris  sp. nov., of the family Hymenobacteraceae, isolated from marine sediment.  Int J Syst Evol Microbiol , 2021, 71(10).

Tang, Liu; Liu, Hanxu; Sun, Wenni; Zhao, Juanjuan; Miao, Shaohua; Gong, Qi; Ma, Lian; Zhang, Guishan*.  Halovibrio salipaludis  sp. nov., Isolated from Saline-Alkaline Soil.  Current Microbiology , 2021, 78(1): 429-434.

Qin Xiong; Yunpeng Liu; Juanjuan Zhao; Zhenjuan Fang; Guishan Zhang*.  Salimicrobium humidisoli  sp. nov., isolated from saline–alkaline soil.  Current Microbiology , 2021, 78(8): 3292-3298. 2020


Anqi Wang, Juan Hua, Yangyang Wang, Guishan Zhang,* and Shihong Luo*. Stereoisomers  of Nonvolatile Acetylbutanediol Metabolites Produced by  Bacillus velezensis  WRN031 Improved Root Elongation of Maize and Rice.  J. Agric. Food Chem . 2020, 68, 6308 − 6315. (共同通讯)。

Qin Xiong,Di Liu,Huihui Zhang ,Xiaoyan Dong,Guishan Zhang*,Yunpeng Liu*,Ruifu Zhang. Quorum sensing signal autoinducer-2 promotes root colonization of  Bacillus velezensis  SQR9 by affecting biofilm formation and motility.  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology  (2020) 104:7177–7185.

Guishan Zhang, Xiaoyan Dong, Yingjiao Sun, André Antunes, Tyas Hikmawan, Mohamed Fauzi Haroon, Junru Wang, Ulrich Stingl.  Haloferax profundi  sp. nov. and  Haloferax marisrubri  sp. nov., Isolated from the Discovery Deep Brine-Seawater Interface in the Red Sea.  Microorganisms . 2020 Sep 25; 8(10):1475. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8101475.

Juanjuan Zhao, Xia Zhao, Junru Wang, Qi Gong, Xiaoxia Zhang, Guishan Zhang*. Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Endophytic Bacterium  Rhizobium oryzihabitans  sp. nov., from Rice Root with Biotechnological Potential in Agriculture.  Microorganisms . 2020 Apr 22;8(4):608. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8040608.

Aliifodinibius salipaludis  sp. nov., Isolated from Saline-Alkaline Soil Xingwang Zhao, Shaohua Miao, Yingjiao Sun, Qi Gong, Juanjuan Zhao, Junru Wang & Guishan Zhang*.  Current Microbiology . volume 77, pages1328–1333(2020).

孙露,单潇潇,蒋建兰*,张桂山*. 一株对稻瘟病菌有抗菌活性的特基拉芽孢杆菌WRN032的筛选及发酵条件优化。 天然产物研究与开发 . 2020, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 860-866.doi: 10.16333/j.1001-6880.2020.5.020.

Ran Zhang, Yan Zeng,Tian-Qi Wang, Xin-Mei Wang, Yi-Yu Shi, Jia-Tian Zou, Cong Sun, Gui-Shan Zhang,Wei-Yan Zhang, Min Wu.  Anaerophilus nitritogenes  gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from salt lake sediment in Xinjiang Province, China.  Antonie van Leeuwenhoek  (2020) 113:417–425.


Wang, Dandan; Xu, Zhihui; Zhang, Guishan; Xia, Liming; Dong, Xiaoyan; Li, Qing; Liles, Mark R.; Shao, Jiahui; Shen, Qirong; Zhang, Ruifu. A genomic island in a plant beneficial rhizobacterium encodes novel antimicrobial fatty acids and a self-protection shield to enhance its competition.  Environmental Microbiology , 2019, 21(9): 3455-3471.

Esau, Luke; Zhang, Guishan; Sagar, Sunil; Stingl, Ulrich; Bajic, Vladimir B.; Kaur, Mandeep. Mining the deep Red-Sea brine pool microbial community for anticancer therapeutics.  BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine , 2019, 19(1): 0-142.

Zhang, Ran; Ju, Zhao; Han, Shuaibo; Hou, Xinjun; Yu, Yanghuan; Zhang, Xinqi; Ye, Yanghui; Sun, Cong; Zhang, Guishan; Wu, Min.  Alkalilacustris brevis  gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a soda lake.  International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology , 2019, 69(6): 1669-1675.

Wang, Junru; Xing, Juyuan; Lu, Jiangkun; Sun, Yingjiao; Zhao, Juanjuan; Miao, Shaohua; Xiong, Qin; Zhang, Yonggang; Zhang, Guishan*. Complete Genome Sequencing of Bacillus velezensis WRN014, and Comparison with Genome Sequences of other Bacillus velezensis Strains.  Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology , 2019, 29(5): 794-808.

Xiong, Qin; Wang, Dandan; Dong, Xiaoyan; Liu, Di; Liu, Yunpeng; Li, Pan; Wu, Gengwei; Luo, Yu; Zhang, Ruifu; Liu, Shengbing; Zhang, Guishan*.  Microbulbifer flavimaris  sp. nov., a halophilic Gammaproteobacteria isolated from marine sediment of the Yellow Sea, China.  International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology , 2019, 69(4): 1135-1141.

Ren, Yanhu; Chen, Can; Ye, Yanghui; Wang, Ruijun; Han, Shuaibo; Zhao, Zhe; Zhang, Ran; Zhang, Guishan; Wu, Min; Xu, Jinzhong.  Meridianimarinicoccus roseus  gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel genus of the family Rhodobacteraceae isolated from seawater.  International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology , 2019, 69(2): 504-510.

Xing, Juyuan; Li, Xiaobo; Sun, Yingjiao; Zhao, Juanjuan; Miao, Shaohua; Xiong, Qin; Zhang, Yonggang; Zhang, Guishan*. Comparative genomic and functional analysis of  Akkermansia muciniphila  and closely related species.  Genes & Genomics,  2019, 41(11): 1253-1264.


孙飞飞; 徐晓; 陈璐佳; 董心怡; 王雅娟; 向海珍; 张桂山; 张应烙。 中华婪步甲共生放线菌的抗菌活性筛选及菌株BJ37的初步鉴定。 微生物学杂志 , 2018, 38(03): 71-74。

李继秋; 胡威; 杨浩; 宋友欣; 谈雅琳; 张桂山。一株可用于盐度适应性研究的模型细菌的鉴定.  华南师范大学学报 (自然科学版) , 2018, 50(05): 69-73.

Li, L. Y.; Sun, B. D.; Zhang, G. S.; Deng, H.; Wang, M. H.; Tan, X. M.; Zhang, X. Y.; Jia, H. M.; Zhang, H. W.; Zhang, T.; Zou, Z. M.; Ding, G.. Polyketides with different post-modifications from desert endophytic fungus Paraphoma sp.  Natural Product Research , 2018, 32(8): 939-943.

Dong, Xiaoyan; Liu, Yunpeng; Zhang, Guishan; Wang, Dandan; Zhou, Xuan; Shao, Jiahui; Shen, Qirong; Zhang, Ruifu. Exploring Elicitors of the Beneficial Rhizobacterium  Bacillus amyloliquefaciens  SQR9 to Induce Plant Systemic Resistance and Their Interactions With Plant Signaling Pathways.  Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions , 2018, 31(5): 560-567.

Dong, Xiaoyan; Liu, Yunpeng; Zhang, Guishan; Wang, Dandan; Zhou, Xuan; Shao, Jiahui; Shen, Qirong; Zhang, Ruifu. Grazing-induced microbiome alterations drive soil organic carbon turnover and productivity in meadow steppe.  Microbiome , 2018, 6(1): 170-170.

Haichao Feng; Nan Zhang; Wenbin Du; Huihui Zhang; Yunpeng Liu; Ruixin Fu; Jiahui Shao; Guishan Zhang; Qirong Shen; Ruifu Zhang. Identification of chemotaxis compounds in root exudates and their sensing chemoreceptors in plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria  Bacillus amyloliquefaciens  SQR9.  Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions , 2018, 31(10): 995-1005.

Xiaoyan Dong; Guishan Zhang; Qin Xiong; Di Liu; Dandan Wang; Yunpeng Liu; Gengwei Wu; Pan Li; Yu Luo; Ruifu Zhang.  Paracoccus salipaludis  sp. nov., isolated from saline–alkaline soil.  International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology , 2018, 68(12): 3812-3817.

李露莹,宋波,陈娟,孙炳达,张桂山,邓晖,丁刚。草原与荒漠植物内生真菌次生代谢产物研究进展。 微生物学通报 , 2018, 45(5): 1146-1160。

Tan, Xiang-Mei; Li, Lu-Ying; Sun, Li-Yan; Sun, Bing-Da; Niu, Shu-Bin; Wang, Meng-Hua; Zhang, Xiao-Yan; Sun, Wen-Song; Zhang, Gui-Shan; Deng, Hui; Xing, Xiao-Ke; Zou, Zhong-Mei; Ding, Gang. Spiciferone analogs from an endophytic fungus Phoma betae collected from desert plants in West China.  Journal of Antibiotics , 2018, 71(6): 613-617.

Dong, Xiaoyan; Liu, Yunpeng; Zhang, Guishan; Wang, Dandan; Zhou, Xuan; Shao, Jiahui; Shen, Qirong; Zhang, Ruifu. Synthesis and detoxification of nitric oxide in the plant beneficial rhizobacterium  Bacillus amyloliquefaciens  SQR9 and its effect on biofilm formation.  Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,  2018, 503(2): 784-790.


Guishan Zhang, Jingang Gu, Ruifu Zhang, Mamoon Rashid, Mohamed Fauzi Haroon, Weibing Xun, Zhiyong Ruan, Xiuzhu Dong, and Ulrich Stingl. 2017. Haloprofundus marisrubri  gen. nov., sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon isolated from the Discovery Deep brine-seawater interface in the Red Sea.  International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology . 67(1):9-16. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.001559. (IF5yr="2.403).

Guishan Zhang, Xingxing Li, Ruifu Zhang, Di Liu, Xiaoxia Zhang, Weibing Xun, Xiuzhu Dong, Aharon Oren, and Ulrich Stingl.2017. Ponticoccus marisrubri  sp. nov., a moderately halophilic marine bacterium of the family  Rhodobacteraceae , isolated from the Erba deep brine-seawater interface in the Red Sea.  International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology , 67 (11): 4358-4364. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.002280. (IF5yr="2.403).

Guishan Zhang, Mohamed Fauzi Haroon, Ruifu Zhang, Xiaoyan Dong, Dandan Wang, Yunpeng Liu, Weibing Xun, Xiuzhu Dong, Ulrich Stingl. 2017. Ruegeria profundi sp. nov. and  Ruegeria marisrubri sp. nov., isolated from the brine–seawater interface at Erba Deep in the Red Sea.  International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology , 67(11):4624-4631. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.002344. (IF5yr="2.403).

Lin Chen, Shu-Bin Niu, Li Li, Gang Ding, Meng Yu, Gui-shan Zhang, Meng-hua   Wang, Lu-ying Li, Tao Zhang, Hong-Mei Jia, Hong-wu Zhang, Hai Shang, Xing-zhong Liu, and Zhong-mei Zou. 2017. Trichoderpyrone, a Unique Polyketide Hybrid with a Cyclopentenone−Pyrone Skeleton from the Plant Endophytic Fungus Trichoderma gamsii.  J. Nat. Prod.  80 (6), pp 1944–1947. (IF5yr ="4.356).

Xiang-mei Tan, Amanda Juan Chen, Bin Wu, Gui-shan Zhang, Gang Ding. Advance of  swainsonine biosynthesis. 2017.  Chinese Chemical Letters , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet. 2017.08.040. (IF5yr="2.248).

Yunpeng Liu, Lin Chen, Gengwei Wu, Haichao Feng, GuishanZhang, QirongShen, and Ruifu Zhang. 2017. Identification of Root-Secreted Compounds Involved in the Communication Between Cucumber, the Beneficial  Bacillus amyloliquefaciens , and the Soil-Borne Pathogen  Fusarium oxysporum .  Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions . 30 (1):53-62. (IF5yr="4.871).

Luying Li, Binda Sun, Guishan Zhang, Menghua Wang, Gang Ding, Hongwu Zhang, Hongmei Jia, Tao Zhang, Hai Shang, and Zhongmei Zou. 2017. Polyketides with different post-modifications from desert endophytic fungus  Paraphoma sp. Natural Product Research  ,  https://doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2017.1371166. (IF5yr="2.239).


Guishan Zhang, Mohamed Fauzi Haroon, Ruifu Zhang, Tyas Hikmawan, and Ulrich Stingl. 2016. Draft genome sequence of  Pseudoalteromonas  sp. strain XI10 isolated from the brine-seawater interface of Erba Deep in the Red Sea.  Genome Announcements . doi:  10.1128/genomeA.00109-16.

Guishan Zhang, Mohamed Fauzi Haroon, Ruifu Zhang, Tyas Hikmawan, and Ulrich Stingl. 2016. Draft genome sequences of two  Thiomicrospira  strains isolated from the brine-seawater interface of Kebrit Deep in the Red Sea.  Genome Announcements . doi:  10.1128/genomeA.00110-16.

Xun W, Zhao J, Xue C, Zhang G, Ran W, Wang B, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2016. Soil bacterial community and organic carbon decomposition were significantly altered by the long-term different fertilization managements in the major low productive arable soil of the South China.  Environmental Microbiology , 18(6):1907-17. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920. (IF5yr ="6.777).

Sun L, Xun W, Huang T, Zhang G, Gao J, Ran W, Li D, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2016. Alteration of the soil bacterial community during the parent materials maturation driven by different fertilizations.  Soil Biology & Biochemistry , 96: 207–215. (IF5yr="4.953).

Yunpeng Liu, Lin Chen, Nan Zhang, Zunfeng Li, Guishan Zhang, Yu Xu, Qi-rong Shen, and Ruifu Zhang. 2016. Plant-microbe communication enhances auxin biosynthesis by a root-associated bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9.  Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions . DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1094. (IF5yr="4.871).


Shao J, Li S, Zhang N, Cui X, Zhou X, Zhang G, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2015. Analysis    and cloning of the synthetic pathway of the phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid in the plant-beneficial  Bacillus amyloliquefaciens  SQR9.  Microbial Cell Factories .14:130. (IF5yr="4.566).

David Ngugi, Jochen Blom, Intikhab Alam, Mamoon Rashid, Wail Ba-Alawi, Guishan Zhang, Tyas Hikmawan, Yue Guan, Andre Antunes, Rania Siam, Hamza El-Dorry, Vladimir Bajic, and Ulrich Stingl*. 2015. Comparative genomics reveals adaptations of a halotolerant  thaumarchaeon  in the interfaces of brine pools in the Red Sea.  The ISME Journal , 9 (2):396-411. (IF5yr="9.438).


Feng Xu, Mona Al-Dossary, Guishan Zhang, Ali R. Behzad, Ulrich Stingl, Alexander Rothenberger*. 2014. Synthesis and Properties of the Metallo-Supramolecular Polymer Hydrogel Poly[methyl vinyl ether-alt-mono-sodium maleate]∙AgNO3: Ag+/Cu2+ Ion Exchange and Effective Antibacterial Activity.  Journal of Materials Chemistry B , 2: 6406-6411. (IF5yr="4.729).


Yong Wang, Huiluo Cao, Guishan Zhang, Salim Bougouffa, On On Lee, Abdulaziz    Al-Suwailem & Pei-Yuan Qian*. 2013. Autotrophic Microbe Metagenomes and Metabolic Pathways Differentiate Adjacent Red Sea Brine Pools.  Scientific Reports , 3: 1748-1748. (IF="5.578).

Sunil Sagar, Luke Esau, Karie Holtermann, Tyas Hikmawan, Guishan Zhang, Ulrich Stingl, Vladimir B. Bajic, and Mandeep*. 2013. Induction of Apoptosis in Cancer Cell Lines by the Red Sea Brine Pool Bacterial Extracts.  BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine . 13:344-344. (IF5yr="2.343).


Zhang G, Zhang F, Ding G, Li J, Guo X, Zhu J, Zhou L, Cai S, Liu X, Luo Y, Zhang G, Shi W, Dong X*. 2012. Acyl homoserine lactone-based quorum sensing in a methanogenic archaeon.  The ISME Journal , 6 (7): 1336-1344. (IF5yr="9.438).

ZHU Jinxing, ZHENG Huajun, AI Guomin, ZHANG Guishan, LIU Di, LIU Xiaoli, and DONG Xiuzhu*. 2012. The Genome Characteristics and Predicted Function of Methyl-group Oxidation Pathway in the Obligate Aceticlastic Methanogens,  Methanosaeta  spp.  PLos One , 7 (5):e36756-e36756. (IF5yr="4.015).

Guishan Zhang; André Antunes; Yue Guan; Tyas Hikmawan; Uli Stingl. 2012. Biodiversity and phylogenetic analysis of culturable bacteria of five brine pools of the Red Sea.  The 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Copenhagen. , 2012, Symposium Manual: 19-20.


Qun Ma, Guishan Zhang, and Thomas Wood*. 2011.  Escherichia coli  BdcA controls biofilm dispersal in  pseudomonas aeruginosa  and  rhizobium meliloti .  BMC Research Notes , 4: 447-447.

郭晓鹏, 张桂山, 刘晓黎, 马凯,东秀珠。甲烷古菌群感效应信号分子的检测。 微生物学报 , 2011, 51 (9): 1200-1204。


Guishan Zhang, Na jiang, Xiaoli Liu, Xiuzhu Dong*. 2008. Methanogenesis from Methanol at Low Temperature by a Novel Psychrophilic Methanogen,  Methanolobus psychrophilus sp. nov., prevalent in Zoige Wetland of Tibetan Plateau.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology , 74 (19): 6114-6120. (IF5yr ="4.486).

Zhang G, Tian J, Jiang N, Guo X, Wang Y, Dong X*. 2008. Methanogen community in Zoige wetland of Tibetan plateau and phenotypic characterization of a dominant uncultured methanogen cluster ZC-I.  Environmental Microbiology , 10 (7):1850-60. (IF5yr="6.777).


Chenggang Wu, Guishan Zhang, Xiaoli Liu, and Xiuzhu Dong*. 2007. Bicarbonate is a stimulus in the inter-species induced sporulation of strict anaerobic  Syntrophomonas erecta  subsp.  Sporosyntropha .  Extremophiles , 11(6):827-32. (IF5yr="2.58).


Gui-Shan Zhang, Xiao-Ming Jia*, Tian-Fan Cheng, Xiao-Hang Ma, and Yu-Hua Zhao. 2005. Isolation and characterization of a new carbendazim-degrading  Ralstonia  sp. strain.  World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology . 21 (3): 265-269. (IF="1.779).


张桂山,贾小明,马晓航,钱忠,史春余,张夫道。山东棕壤重金属污染土壤酶活性的预警研究。 植物营养与肥料学报 ,  2004(3): 272-276。
