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长期从事农业面源污染研究。先后担任公益性行业科研专项、国家重点研发计划首席专家。建立了农业面源污染监测方法,科学划定了全国农田面源污染分区并组建了“全国农田面源污染监测网”,明确了我国农业面源污染发生特征、时空分异规律、驱动因子和减排潜力,构建了流域农业面源污染防控理论,突破了一批农业面源污染防控关键技术并在重点流域及农业主产区进行了成功应用。牵头编制了《三峡生态屏障区农业面源污染防治规划(2010-2020)》《农业资源与生态环境保护工程建设规划(2016-2020)》《重点流域农业面源污染综合治理示范工程建设规划(2016-2020)》《 “十四五”重点流域农业面源污染综合治理建设规划》等国家农业面源污染防治规划。“全国农田面源污染监测技术体系的创建与应用”获国家科技进步二等奖(第2完成人)、“南方典型区域农业面源污染防控关键技术与应用”获农业农村部中华农业科技一等奖(第1完成人)。发表论文210余篇,出版著作6部,获授权国家发明专利16件,制定国家农业行业标准18项。



















2.英国牛顿基金项目(BBSRC Newton Virtual Joint Centre)(2016-2018),“中英农业氮管理中心项目(BB/N01348/1)”;












1.Tianpeng Zhang, Jr-Chuan Huang, Qiuliang Lei*, Xia Liang, Stuart Lindsey, Jiafa Luo, A-Xing Zhu, Wankui Bao, Hongbin Liu*. Empirical estimation of soil temperature and its controlling factors in Australia: Implication for interaction between geographic setting and air temperature. Catena,2022,208, 105696

2.Benyamin Khoshnevisan, Na Duan*, Panagiotis Tsapekos, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Zhidan Liu, Ali Mohammadi, IriniAngelidaki, Daniel CW. Tsang, Zengqiang Zhang, Junting Pan, Lin Ma, MortazaAghbashlo, Meisam Tabatabaei, Hongbin Liu**. A critical review on livestock manure biorefinery technologies: Sustainability, challenges, and future perspectives. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021,135 110033

3.Muhammad Amjad Bashir, Hongyuan Wang*, Wentao Sun, Limei Zhai, Xiushuang Zhang, Na Wang, AbdurRehim, Qurat-Ul-Ain Raza, Hongbin Liu*. The implementation of rice-crab co-culture system to ensure cleaner rice and farm production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 316(1), 128284

4.Muhammad Amjad Bashir, Hongyuan Wang, Junting Pan, Benyamin Khoshnevisan, Wentao Sun, Limei Zhai, Xiushuang Zhang, Na Wang, AbdurRehim, Hongbin Liu*. Variations in soil nutrient dynamics and their composition in rice under integrated rice-crab co-culture system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021,281, 125222

5.Fang Wang, Rongxiao Che, Yongcui Deng, Yibo Wu, Li Tang, ZhihongXu,Weijin Wang, Hongbin Liu*, Xiaoyong Cui*.Air-drying and long time preservation of soil do not significantly impact microbial community composition and structure.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2021,157, 108238

6.Benyamin Khoshnevisan, Muhammad Amjad Bashir, Qiaoyu Sun, Junting Pan*, Hongyuan Wang, Yang Xu, Na Duan, Hongbin Liu*. Optimal rice-crab co-culture system as a new paradigm to air-waterfood nexus sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021,291, 125936

7.Khoshnevisan B, Rafiee S*, Pan J, Zhang Y, Liu H*. A multi-criteria evolutionary-based algorithm as a regional scale decision support system to optimize nitrogen consumption rate: A case study in North China Plain. Journal of Cleaner Production,2020, 256. 120213

8.Huishu Lian, HawYen, Jr-Chuan Huang, Qingyu Feng, Lihuan Qin, Muhammad Amjad Bashir, Shuxia Wu, A-Xing Zhu, Jiafa Luo, Hongjie Di, Qiuliang Lei*, Hongbin Liu*. CN-China: Revised runoff curve number by using rainfall-runoff events data in China. Water Research,2020, 177: 115767.

9.Muhammad Amjad Bashir, Jian Liu, YucongGeng, Hongyuan Wang, Junting Pan, Dan Zhang, AbdurRehim, Muhammad Aon, Hongbin Liu*. Co-culture of rice and aquatic animals: An integrated system to achieve production and environmental sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production,2020,249 (2020) 119310

10.Na Duan*, Duojiao Zhang, Benyamin Khoshnevisan, Panagiotis G. Kougias, Laura Treu, Zhidan Liu, Cong Lin, Hongbin Liu*, Yuanhui Zhang, IriniAngelidaki. Human waste anaerobic digestion as a promising low-carbon strategy: Operating performance, microbial dynamics and environmental footprint. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020,256, 120414

11.Duan N.*, Khoshnevisan B., Lin C., Liu Z., Liu H*. Life cycle assessment of anaerobic digestion of pig manure coupled with different digestate treatment technologies. Environment International, 2020,137, 105522

12.Wenchao Li, Qiuliang Lei, Haw Yen, Wilfred M. Wollheim, Limei Zhai, Wanli Hu, Liang Zhang, WeiwenQiu, Jiafa Luo, Hongyuan Wang, Tianzhi Ren, Hongbin Liu*. The overlooked role of diffuse household livestock production in nitrogen pollution at the watershed scale. Journal of Cleaner Production,2020,272:122758"

13.Junting Pan, Junyi Ma, Limei Zhai, Tao Luo, Zili Mei, Hongbin Liu*. Achievements of biochar application for enhanced anaerobic digestion: A review. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 292:122058

14.Lingling Hua, Limei Zhai*, Jian Liu, Shufang Guo, Wenchao Li, Fulin Zhang, Xianpen Fan, Hongbin Liu*. Characteristics of nitrogen losses from a paddy irrigation-drainage unit system. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment,2019,285: 106629

15.Shufang Guo, Limei Zhai*, Jian Liub, Hongbin Liu*, Anqing Chen, Hongyuan Wang, Shuxia Wua, Qiuliang Lei. Cross-ridge tillage decreases nitrogen and phosphorus losses from sloping farmlands in southern hilly regions of China. Soil and Tillage Research,2019,191: 48-56

16.Na Duan∗, Duojiao Zhang, Cong Lin, Yifeng Zhang, Lingying Zhao, Hongbin Liu,∗∗,Zhidan Liu. Effect of organic loading rate on anaerobic digestion of pig manure: Methane production, mass flow, reactor scale and heating scenarios. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019,231: 646-652

17.Junting Pan, Junyi Ma, Xiaoxia Liu, Limei Zhai, Xihui Ouyang, Hongbin Liu*. Effects of different types of biochar on the anaerobic digestion of chicken manure. Bioresource Technology, 2019,275: 258-265

18.Junting Pan#, Junyi Ma#, Limei Zhai, Hongbin Liu*. Enhanced methane production and syntrophic connection between microorganisms during semi-continuous anaerobic digestion of chicken manure by adding biochar. Journal of Cleaner Production,2019,240:118178

19.Junting Pan, Ronghua Li, Limei Zhai, Zengqiang Zhang, Junyi Ma, Hongbin Liu*. Influence of palygorskite addition on biosolids composting process enhancement. Journal of Cleaner Production,2019,217:371-379

20.Chuanzhen Zhang, Shen Liu, Shuxia Wu, ShuqinJin, Stefan Reise, Hongbin Liu**, Baojing Gu*. Rebuilding the linkage between livestock and cropland to mitigate agricultural pollution in China. Resources Conservation and Recycling,2019, 144: 65-73

21.Chenchen Ren, Shen Liu, Hans van Grinsven, Stefan Reis, ShuqinJin, Hongbin Liu**, Baojing Gu*. The impact of farm size on agricultural sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production,2019,220: 357-367

22.Hongyuan Wang, Dan Zhang, Yitao Zhang, Limei Zhai, Bin Yin, Feng Zhou, YucongGeng, Junting Pan, Jiafa Luo, Baojing Gu, Hongbin Liu*. Ammonia emissions from paddy fields are underestimated in China. Environmental Pollution,2018,235: 482-488

23.Huishu Lian, Qiuliang Lei*, Xinyu Zhang, Haw Yen, Hongyuan Wang, Limei Zhai, Hongbin Liu*, Jr-Chuan Huang, Tianzhi Ren, Jiaogen Zhou, WeiwenQiu. Effects of Anthropogenic Activities on Long-term Changes of Nitrogen Budget in a Plain River Network Region: A Case Study in the Taihu Basin.Science of the Total Environment,2018,645: 1212-1220.

24.Wenchao Li, Limei Zhai*, Qiuliang Lei, Wilfred M. Wollheim, Jian Liu, Hongbin Liu*, Wanli Hu, Tianzhi Ren, Hongyuan Wang, Shen Liu. Influences of agricultural land use composition and distribution on nitrogen export from a subtropical watershed in China.Science of the Total Environment,2018,642: 21–32

25.Dan Zhang, Hongyuan Wang, Junting Pan, Jiafa Luo, Jian Liu, Baojing Gu, Shen Liu, Limei Zhai, Stuart Lindsey, Yitao Zhang, Qiuliang Lei, Shuxia Wu, Pete Smith*, Hongbin Liu*. Nitrogen application rates need to be reduced for half of the rice paddy fields in China.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2018, 265: 8–14

26.Yitao Zhang, Hongyuan Wang, Qiuliang Lei, Jiafa Luo, Stuart Lindsey, Jizong Zhang, Limei Zhai, Shuxia Wu, Jingsuo Zhang, Xiaoxia Liu, Tianzhi Ren, Hongbin Liu*. Optimizing the nitrogen application rate for maize and wheat based on yield and environment on the Northern China Plain.Science of the Total Environment,2018,618: 1173-1183

27.Na Duan*, Xia Ran, Ruirui Li, Panagiotis G. Kougias, Yuanhui Zhang, Cong Lin, Hongbin Liu*. Performance Evaluation of Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Chicken Manure with Algal Digestate.Energies,2018,11(7),1829-

28.Hongyuan Wang, Yitao Zhang, Anqiang Chen, Hongbin Liu*, Limei Zhai, Baokun Lei, Tianzhi Ren. An optimal regional nitrogen application threshold for wheat in the North China Plain considering yield and environmental effects. Field Crops Research,2017,207: 52-61

29.Sisi Li, Liang Zhang*, Hongbin Liu*, Hugo A. Loaiciga, Limei Zhai, Yanhua Zhuang, Qiuliang Lei, Wanli Hu, Wenchao Li, Qi Feng, Yun Du. Evaluating the risk of phosphorus loss with a distributed watershed model featuring zero-order mobilization and first-order delivery. Science of the Total Environment,2017,609:563-576

30.Hailong Liu, Hongbin Liu*, Qiuliang Lei, Limei Zhai, Hongyuan Wang, Ji-zong Zhang, Yeping Zhu, Shengping Liu, Shijuan Li, Jingsuo Zhang, Xiaoxia Liu. Using the DSSAT model to simulate wheat yield and soil organic carbon under a wheat-maize cropping system in the North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2017,16(0): 60345-7

31.Sisi Li, Liang Zhang*,Yun Du, Hongbin Liu*,Yanhua Zhuang,Shuzhi Liu. Evaluating Phosphorus Loss for Watershed Management: Integrating a Weighting Scheme of Watershed Heterogeneity into Export Coefficient Model. Environmental Modeling & Assessment,2016,21(5):657-668

32.Bin Xi,Limei Zhai, Jian Liu, Shen Liu, Hongyuan Wang, Chunyan Luo, Tianzhi Ren, Hongbin Liu*. Long-term phosphorus accumulation and agronomic and environmental critical phosphorus levels in Haplic Luvisol soil, northern China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2016,15(1):200-208

33.Jian Liu, QiangZuo, Limei Zhai*, Chunyan Luo, Hongbin Liu*, Hongyuan Wang, Shen Liu, Guoyuan Zou, Tianzhi Ren. Phosphorus losses via surface runoff in rice-wheat cropping systems as impacted by rainfall regimes and fertilizer applications. Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2016,15(3):667-677


35.刘宏斌,邹国元, 范先鹏等. 农田面源污染监测方法与实践. 科学出版社,2015年7月



