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Professors from University of Bari, Italy invited to conduct academic exchanges at IARRP

IARRP | Updated: 2023-11-13

On Nov 1, Professor Raffaele Lafortezza and Dr. Vincenzo Giannico from the University of Bari, Italy, were invited by the Innovation Team of Grassland Ecology and Remote Sensing of the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning (IARRP) of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), to conduct academic exchanges and collaborative research. They delivered an academic presentation titled "The relationship between green spaces and citizens' perceptions: quality of life and role of per capita GDP". The seminar was chaired by researcher Changliang Shao, with over 20 research personnel and graduate students from the institute in attendance.

Professor Lafortezza expressed the hope for further substantive cooperation through mutual visits, while Dr. Giannico introduced the relationship between urban green spaces, perceived quality of life, environmental factors, social inclusiveness, and urban management in European cities. Their research evaluated the impact of green spaces on citizens' overall perception of quality of life. Additionally, they provided detailed explanations on how remote sensing technology can be used to quantify and evaluate ecosystem services provided by urban and semi-natural grasslands, as well as forest environments, across different temporal and spatial dimensions.

Following the presentations, both professors answered questions related to the research work on grassland ecology remote sensing and provided constructive suggestions. Lastly, in-depth discussions and exchanges of opinions on collaborative research between our institute and the University of Bari were conducted.

The IARRP has established a regular mechanism for scientific research exchanges with the Department of Plant and Food Sciences at the University of Bari, Italy. Over the years, we have had deep research cooperation. This academic exchange was rich in content and diverse in forms. It provided valuable experience for our institute in the field of grassland ecology remote sensing, cooperative research, and talent exchanges, laying a solid foundation for future further cooperation.
