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CAAS IARRP holds academic meeting on green sustainable development assessment

IARRP | Updated: 2020-10-10

Dr. Wu Ruqun, a visiting professor of Harbin Institute of Technology and a leading authority on international green sustainable development assessment visited the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences on Sept 27 at the invitation of the institute’s grassland ecological remote sensing team. 

Wu lectured on life cycle assessment and sustainable development research, including its concept, origin, and development, as well as the latest applications in environmental impact assessment at home and abroad and use of the life cycle assessment application OpenLCA.

The academic exchange meeting was hosted by Shao Changliang, research fellow at the institute.

Researchers and graduate students of the institute attended the report meeting and conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the domestic and overseas research methods and current and future development trends of green sustainable development.

Dr. Wu Ruqun gained his master’s degree in Environmental Studies at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and pursued PhD and post-doctorate studies in Geographical Environment and Space Science at Michigan State University in the United States. His research focuses on assessments of full life cycle environmental impact, social impact, and sustainable system development. He has published more than 20 papers in the field of green sustainable development in mainstream journals such as the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, the Journal of Industrial Ecology, and the Journal of Cleaner Production, which have been cited by SCI more than 500 times.

Wu has participated in the Sustainable Energy Pathway and SESYNC project sponsored by a European and American natural science foundation, and preparation and application of the NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems program. Currently, he is in charge of a youth fund project sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.