Home» Faculty» He Yingbin» Events» APEC Virtual Workshop on Agricultural Technological Cooperation for Improving Green Agriculture and Food Productivity

APEC Virtual Workshop on Agricultural Technological Cooperation for Improving Green Agriculture and Food Productivity

By IARRP | Updated: 2022-11-16

1.Background and Aim

The APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in 2021 and the 7th APEC Food Ministers' Meeting in 2022 both called for promoting green agriculture, sustainable agricultural development and enhancing food productivity through agricultural technology cooperation, and enhancing scientific and technological innovation and exchanges, thus raising post-COVID-19 agricultural production cooperation and technical exchanges to a new height in the field of APEC food security. The purpose of this meeting is to implement the contents of the Declaration, provide a platform for APEC members to share their experience on green development and improving agricultural productivity, and further strengthen cooperation on science, technology and innovation among APEC member.

2.Topic of the workshop

(1)Concept of green agriculture;

(2)What contemporary technologies have been implemented by farmers to actualize green agriculture;

(3)What knowledge can be gained and what lessons can be learned through communications and information sharing;

(4)The successful cases can be illustrated among APEC economies;

(5)How to maintain productivity while balancing economic development along a green path.

3.Workshop time and the way to attend

The workshop will be held on November 24-25, 2022 virtually. The workshop will be run on zoom system ( (meeting room number: 838 5039 7617, code: 530698). On November 23th,2022, 9:00-11:00 (Beijing time, China), organization committee will run the test of zoom system. We strongly suggest to test your system. 

Draft Agenda