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IARRP and the Research Institute of Plant Research of Wageningen UR signed memorandum of understanding on establishing Sino-Dutch Joint Laboratory for Mushroom Research

By IARRP | Updated: 2022-05-12

The Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning (IARRP) of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and the Plant Research (WPR) of Wageningen University & Research Center (WUR) signed a memorandum of understanding on establishing the Sino-Dutch Joint Laboratory for Edible Fungi Research of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (below "Joint Laboratory" for short) on April 6, which further refines the agreement on areas of cooperation and exchanges between the two parties and the ownership of intellectual property rights.

On May 5, the two parties held their first seminar of the year online. A total of 15 people participated in the online workshop, including Dr. Arend Van Peer and Dr. Anton Sonnenberg, directors of the mushroom research team of Wageningen Plant Research, and scientific researchers and graduate students of the Edible Mushroom Genetics, Breeding and Cultivation Innovation Team of the IARRP. Dr. Gao Wei presided over the meeting.

Gao introduced the research of Dr. Arend Van Peer and Dr. Anton Sonnenberg, as well as the background and process of the establishment of the joint laboratory. Dr. Arend Van Peer and Dr. Anton Sonnenberg put forward constructive comments and suggestions for research progresses.

The two sides conducted in-depth discussions on how to safely promote international exchanges and cooperation, how to raise cooperation funds through multiple channels, and discussed specific cooperation methods and cooperation research content this year.

Dr. Arend Van Peer proposed holding seminars every two months. The two sides agreed that they will work to overcome difficulties, continue to strengthen cooperation and exchanges in the fields of edible fungus genetics and breeding, cultivation technology, and variety rights protection, and jointly promote the operation and development of the joint laboratory.
